Babiators is a proud Life Is Why™ supporter. For all products sold from February 1, 2024 to February 15, 2024, Babiators will donate 10% of the purchase price to the American Heart Association’s Life Is Why™ Campaign. You can also donate directly here.

Community Spotlight: Finn & The AHA
Meet Finn: a tenaciously bold heart warrior who at just 8 years old has touched the hearts of thousands. No matter the challenges thrown his way — including being diagnosed with severe heart disease at birth — Finn continues to inspire us with his strength, bravery, and his sweet, never-ceasing smile.
Keep reading to learn more!
Finn's Diagnosis
Michael and Kelly Blumenthal were elated when they learned they were pregnant, and knew their first-born son, Mason, would be, too. But, when they went in for Kelly's 19-week anatomy scan, they got surreal news: there was something wrong with their baby's heart.
On a normal ultrasound, the four interior chambers of the heart are visible, but on Finn's, they didn't see any. Doctors also discovered abnormal connections around his heart. They told his parents he likely wouldn't make it to birth with his condition.
But, despite the doctors' predictions, he did. Finn was born on January 2nd, 2015.
What Is Heart Disease?
Heart disease is a collective term that refers to several type of heart conditions, including congenital defects, heart failure, heart attack, and more. It's the number one killer worldwide, but even when those heart conditions aren't fatal, they cause disability and diminish the quality of life for those affected.
To learn more about heart disease, click here.
Finn's Journey
When Finn was born, the Blumenthals were told he would soon need open heart surgery — an already high-risk procedure that's even more so for a baby.
Leading up to his procedure, Finn's parents were naturally filled with worry. "I kept thinking about what was going to be the hardest part. At the time, I thought that that moment would be when I saw him for the first time after surgery," said Kelly.
"Imagine handing off your giggly, smiley, 'healthy' looking three month old knowing that in just hours, the next time you saw them they would be fighting for their life, swollen and hooked up to monitor after monitor and tube after tube. It still makes me sick thinking about it. It's a moment that's really difficult to describe."
After his initial open heart surgery, Finn remained in the hospital for five more months, during which he completed 10 surgeries. Finn has gone on to complete 8 additional surgeries, including a second open heart surgery. Unfortunately, there is no cure for his condition, and he will need another open heart surgery by the time he is in his teens.
Every Day Finn Shines
Despite his lifelong battle with cardiovascular disease, and the many challenges that come with it, Finn has so many qualities that make him shine. His mom says, "I think the biggest is just the inspiration behind his tenacity and his willingness to just never give up and keep pushing forward." And, he does it all with a smile — even during the toughest of moments.
In his free time, Finn loves to play with his older brother Mason. Kelly says the boys are rarely found far apart and love to watch football, play football (safely!) and go to trampoline parks together. Outside of sports and playing with his big brother, Finn has a huge heart for animals. The Blumenthals have five family pets, who Finn loves to snuggle and play with, too.
At just eight years old, Finn's bravery, strength, and perseverance outmatches those of most adults. He is truly the definition of a heart warrior — one with a future so bright, he needs to wear shades.
A special thank you to the Blumenthals for sharing their story!
Babiators is a proud Life Is Why™ supporter. For all products sold from February 1, 2024 to February 15, 2024, Babiators will donate 10% of the purchase price to the American Heart Association’s Life Is Why™ Campaign. You can also donate directly here.
About The American Heart Association
The American Heart Association has been fighting heart disease and stroke, striving to save and improve lives since 1924, making it the nation's oldest and largest volunteer organization dedicated to cardiovascular health.
With over 35 million volunteers and 2,900 employees, their size, scope, and passion for saving lives allow them to have a real impact. The American Heart Association has invested over $5 billion in research — they're the largest not-for-profit funding source for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease research next to the federal government. To learn more about The American Heart Association, visit here.
About The Every Day We Shine Project
At Babiators, our core mission is, and always will be, to protect, inspire, and support kids and parents so they can live healthier, more joyful lives. We’re so excited to bring to life a project that we feel rings true to this, and one that we hold especially near and dear to our hearts: The Every Day We Shine Project.
Throughout this series, we will be featuring little ones who aren’t afraid to let their light shine bright and are already making a big impact on the world around them. By sharing their stories, we hope to help inspire our global community and support these children, their families, and others who may have shared experiences.
For heart-related resources, including tips for a healthier lifestyle, recipes, and more, please visit The American Heart Association.